Humans are creatures of habit, however, you feel generally, however you act generally; you act because your present system is addicted to those exact acts and feelings. It would not be difficult to understand this if you just get a little aware of the how people around you are acting. If you just observe any average human being, he predominantly experiences a fixed set of emotions for most of his life from the variety of infinite emotions made available to him. Happy people always find a reason to smile, excited people get excited, angry people find a reason to get angry, frustrated people find a reason to get frustrated; sad people find a reason to get sad irrespective of what the external circumstances are.
We all live with a fixed pattern until and unless we make a conscious decision to experience something new. But why to go after the new unknown when the present thoughts and feelings are so familiar? That’s the dilemma that most of us face, we all wish for more joy, more enthusiasm, more fun, and more peace in our lives but doing something new, feeling something new, being something new is always scarier than the present state of affairs.
You probably believe that there is absolutely nothing wrong with continuing this habit, After all, complaining, feeling guilty or depressed and staying angry all the time is a personal choice with personal consequences. But what if I tell you that these personal consequences does not only affect your personal physical body by making it weak, diseased and more vulnerable but; it also harms the people that you love the most, people you claim to do everything for, people you care about, even the people you don’t care about and everything that is part of this universe. I don’t like this picture of personal choices harming our loved ones, so let me draw another picture for you.
Imagine all the people you love so dearly that you would do anything for them. Imagine all the people in your life who complete you and motivate you to continue with whatever that you do to earn a living. It could be your kids, parents, spouse, siblings, friends and even complete strangers. Now imagine going for a vacation with all of them to a place of your dream where they all are laughing, playing, goofing around for no apparent reason and you are feeling so proud to make that vacation happen; after all, you brought them all there, hence credit is all yours. Imagine it starts to rain now, while all of them start to run looking for a shelter, you open your arms and look up at the sky feeling grateful for every drop of pure distilled water you have been blessed with! Looking at you enjoying such a state, one by one, all your loved ones join you and feel the same. You have saved the day ensuring the vacation doesn’t have a low point in it. Now you understand that this vacation is too short to miss out on fun and joy, you are now committed to having fun in this vacation and luckily everything in this universe seems to support you on this vacation by inspiring you with great ideas and providing you with resources. During this vacation when it got sunny, you went trekking into the forest; and when it snowed, you skied, made a snowman, threw snowballs at your loved ones charging them with energy and fun. Now when the vacation ended, you look back and rejoice over the decision that you had been making, wondering how much you could have missed if you had awaited the perfect weather or condition. How much your loved ones would have missed if you had just taken a different decision throughout.
Like this vacation, your life would also end! Would it be wise to postpone the fun awaiting the perfect, suitable condition which is nothing more than a story that you have built in your mind? No matter what you wish to do in your life, no matter what you are already doing, there is always a joyful path of doing the exact same thing. Scientifically, Logically or any other …lly that I am not even aware of; this joyous choice would affect all kind of goals that you have set for yourself in the most progressive way. All I am saying from my experience is that you do not need to be a saint or a seer to enjoy every moment of your life; you just need to DECIDE to improve the quality of your emotions and thus the quality of your life.
A decision does not mean a preference, it means a committed choice. Following a decision does not mean working hard or struggling through your journey until you arrive at your destination. A decision for me means making even a tiniest but a consistent move towards your goal, completing the journey in a most joyful manner, enjoying the daily progress towards your chosen destination. Have you decided yet? Still not convinced? Read my next blog to understand the advantages of a joyful life!