What is it that you desire? Is it abundance of wealth? Is it getting fame? Is it great health? Is it great quality relationships? Is it creating a positive difference in this world? Or is it more spiritual enlightenment and connection with the cosmos?
No matter what it is, the question I would like you to ask yourself is, “Why do I desire this? What do I intend to get after having my desires fulfilled?”
Eventually, you would find out no matter how shallow or how profound the quality of your desire is, you are aiming for it to get to one common goal i.e. you wish to be happy, you wish to feel good, you wish to live your life with a better quality of emotions. This is the end game of all games! A happy person living a satisfied life would never ask a question like, “What is the purpose of life?” A happy person would simply live the purpose of his life and act without any hesitation and fear, enjoying every moment of his life.
Now that we know that happiness is the ultimate desired outcome of every human desire and action, then why a majority of humans are trapped in the concept of the pursuit of happiness instead of just being happy RIGHT NOW and always from now on! There are psychological games like social conditioning that is carried out owing to inaccurate beliefs and unconscious guilt for the suffering of humanity; and many other unconscious phenomena which have lead to this deep-rooted trap. I would dig deep into these phenomena in the later blogs but for now, I would skim the surface of the human mind with the intention of giving you a reason to break through this trap of postponement, and help you choose happiness right now!
Well, most of the world right now is focussed on acquiring better health or more wealth or better quality of relationships; with the sole intention of becoming happier. Thus Happiness broadly can be said to depend on the following three factors:
- Health
- Wealth &
- Relationships
Now that you probably understand the brotherhood of human system and inter-dependability of so many factors, I would like you to contemplate on a theory that, ‘If mastery on the above factors affects a person’s happiness level, then, is it possible that just by being happy you could get closer to the goals of health, wealth and better relationships?’
You would probably wonder how a person could become happy if there is an imbalance, but let’s assume that you have found a strategy, and you have taken a decision that no matter what, from now on, you would stay happy and have fun in life! Would such a decision assist you in getting closer to your goal of health, wealth and relationship?
Let’s explore the possibilities of the relationships:
Health and happiness relationship- One thing that most of the doctors know and have observed is that an optimistic person, a person who has the capacity to find good in any situation, basically a happy person recovers much faster than a person who seems to be pessimistic about his condition.
The various scientific studies have revealed that immune system of a human body gets strong when in an optimistic, empowered state of being. Many diseases have been linked to our genes; people often say that some medical conditions are likely to follow as their parents had it. Can happiness change your genetic code?
An experiment was conducted where a group of fifty type A diabetics were brought in a lab, Type A diabetes is one which gets developed in the later age of humans owing to the lifestyle choices or when the genes kick in. Diabetes is an abnormal condition of the body where the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin to keep the blood sugar within safe limits after a meal. The normal range is considered to 70 Mg/Dl to 120Mg/Dl. All the participants were told that their blood sugar level will be tested and then they would watch either a humorous lecture or a comedy show for one hour, then they would be given a big meal and then their blood sugar level will be tested again. Once the experiment was completed, following were the results.
The group that saw the humorous lecture had a blood sugar level of 123 Mg/ Dl, slightly above the higher range. But the group that saw the comedy show had a blood sugar level of 73 Mg/ Dl. In that one hour of laughter and joy, they were cured of their diabetes. The results and blood samples were further compared and it was found out that during that one hour of laughter, people had activated 24 new healthy genes in their body. It was further found that genes, as thought earlier are not fixed codes, they are like ON/ OFF switches which act as per your internal environment. Thus Happiness would keep your healthy!
Relationships and Happiness connection
Do relationships and happiness have any connection? Happiness makes it easy for people to connect with each other; even strangers can become great friends after a few chuckles together. Happiness makes it easy for people to resolve their issues, forget their ego and connect. Have you ever noticed how the happiest person in any group is the most liked person in that group? Girls like guys with good sense of humor, guys like guys with good sense of humor; everyone likes people with good sense of humor because being happy is our ultimate need for what you are always putting an endeavor for, and seeing a person living that ideal life makes him a magnet for all.
Wealth and Happiness
We all feel that if we get an additional crore rupees in our account then we would definitely be happier. Can vice versa be true, can be happier make you wealthier, can I just be happy and almost magically get a crore or much bigger amount in my account? I am sure by now, most of you have heard or read book related to law of attraction like the power of subconscious mind, the secret, the game of life and many more giving you a good idea how people in the world have attained their goals and fulfilled all their desires, whether material or other. After having read many of those, I can give the entire gist in one line, “You get more of whatever you feel throughout your life.” If you feel happy about your wealth, you get wealthy, if you feel happy about your health, you get healthy and if you feel great about the relationships you have, you attract great new people in your life to form a relationship with. So you being happy would work greatly in your favor!
And even If I just speak logically, most of the population in the world are salesmen, selling products or skills. One thing that we all know is that we take services or purchase goods from a person who is giving a nice product with a JOYFUL experience. A lot of money is spent in the human resource development not because the companies care for their employees, this may be a secondary reason but companies spend that kind of money knowing very well that a happy employee would deal better with customer, a happy employee would form a stronger bond with his customer, bringing in more business and profits in the longer run. Thus whether you believe in the power of the law of attraction or not, happiness is definitely a great leap towards your desired goals in life.
Now that you know being happy is not only the most desired goal but also a giant step towards everything that you desire; then why aren’t we happy? And what is it that we can do to improve the quality of our life and happiness? I would discuss that in my next blog.