End the pursuit

End the Pursuit! Let’s Get Happy and Blissful now!

All my life, I have had only one goal, to feel happy all the time. I never really struggled to stay happy but I had set a tough standard for myself, which was that I wouldn’t tolerate unhappiness and dissatisfaction lasting even for an hour.

Advantages of Being Blissful

Advantages of Being Blissful

What is it that you desire? Is it abundance of wealth? Is it getting fame? Is it great health? Is it great quality relationships? Is it creating a positive difference in this world? Or is it more spiritual enlightenment and connection with the cosmos?

Brotherhood of the Human System

Brotherhood of the Human System

As we evolved, we gained a deeper understanding of the universe; we are now getting more and more scientific evidence for the things that had been believed philosophically, spiritually etc for centuries.


The Pursuit of Happiness

The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental right of every human being and it’s very curious to see that many people have been seen spending a significant part of their lives in pursuing happiness and the remaining part sharing their experience of how wrong they were in their pursuit.

Happiness is an Addictive Habit if Formed

Happiness is an Addictive Habit if Formed

Humans are creatures of habit, however, you feel generally, however you act generally; you act because your present system is addicted to those exact acts and feelings.


Progress In Life Begins With Awareness

Imagine having a precise map of the universe and a transport vehicle with infinite firepower and fuel, where would you go? Fortunately, we all have such a map and vehicle but ironically we all make two common mistakes which cause the widespread suffering around the world.